What Are the 12 Months Named After?

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Each day of the week was named after a god. How about other units of time, say… months? Well, it turns out that the 12 months of the year were also named after gods. But not all of them – some months were named after political figures, another after a ritual, and others were simply […]

Western Mythology on a Timeline

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I created this timeline with the classical era in mind. (Zeus, Athena, Dionysus, etc.) I wanted to visualize their period of prevalence in humanity’s timeline, along with other religious eras that came and went (and remained as mythology). The timeline is simple. The rough periods of humanity are shaded in different colors. There is prehistory, […]

6 Common Themes Found in Underworld Myths from Around the World

Norse underworld illustrated by a tree in a globe beneath which there is a large tree trunk and its roots

A popular idea today is that: good souls go up to heaven, and bad souls burn in hell, beneath the earth – the underworld. But this belief is an evolution of an ancient one shared by many cultures across the world; that the underworld was a place where all of us go when we die. […]

Why the Hell Do Devils Have Horns?

Horns Tiered ALONE

Ask a child to draw a devil and without a doubt, they will draw a face with horns. Why do devils always have horns? In fact, it seems like the devil usually has a tail, hooves and a trident as well. Where do these devil features come from, and why do they also appear on […]

The Dragon Origin Mystery – Where Do World Dragon Myths Come From?


Dragons exist in the myths and legends of nearly every culture around the world. But where do they come from, and why do all civilizations seem to have their own unique dragon story? In this article, we’re going to explore the origins of the dragon (symbol) by studying myths, and by tracking the evolution of […]