On a fateful summer, I became King Shahryar of the 1001 Nights, hypnotized by stories and myths told one after another by a stranger…

The stranger had left, but not my thirst, so I took it upon myself to learn everything I needed to know about symbols, mythology and history. They are so interconnected, and not only with themselves, but with – I dare say- the entire world!
So there I went on a learning quest, but this time, it wasn’t a degree in Kinesiology, nor studies in Radio and Television arts. This time, it was a journey of self-directed studies, research and writing.
At first, I thought I needed to travel the world, so I went off to experience life in Asia and Europe, but after a few years, I realized that the type of travelling I yearned for the most was the one that travels time. I also attempted to pursue graduate studies but was hit with the harsh reality that there is no such Ph.D. program that would fulfill my yearning to discover mythology, symbolism and their connection to our minds.

There was only one way, and that way is what I’m doing right now – I study, research, document, and I make educational videos to share my knowledge and thoughts.

Sandra Ngo-Trong

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