Procrastinate no more

When I think of all the time that I wasted avoiding things I shouldn’t, I would probably be 10 years younger being where I am in my life today. Dealing with procrastination is serious business because it may seem so harmless, but only with time do you find out that it’s what cost you a passing […]
Quest to Independent Learning

I’m on a quest. It all started when I decided to write an outline for a documentary show. While doing some research, one thing lead to another and boom here I am, needing to know a tad bit more than I intentionally started; I just need to know the entire history of mankind that’s all. I […]
Learning is an art

Techniques to learn efficiently Use metaphors, analogies or stories. Studies show that students who use them do much better at understanding and remembering concepts than those who don’t. For example, the term ‘adduction’ and ‘abduction’ are so similar, but I will always remember aDDucting is like ADDing space for my hair. Weird I know (but do you get […]